Amidst the madness of a 2 year old, a new baby, lack of sleep, managing the house and juggling a hundred and one other things that I've committed myself to, I've been really challenged about how we are living our lives, so I thought I'd add another challenge.
I'm thinking of trying to become less of a consumer in 2012 and a more conscious consumer for the things I do need to buy. I've been really challenged about where I put my trust and what I'm relying on. It's ridiculously hard to rely on God for the day-to-day when you have a salary coming in, you live in a lovely place and you have shops and online retailers that can supply anything you fancy. And even with the current economic climate we're still so richly blessed with things! But why am I worrying about the current economic climate? Why aren't I relying on God for the day-to-day, and how am I doing the best with what I do have (for others, ourselves and for the planet?)
So the plan is to try and buy as little as possible in 2012 (and I'm doing some practicing in 2011). I'm going to come up with some principles to try and apply e.g. if we do need to buy things, have a list of priorities (borrrow/recycle/fair trade/organic/local...), and I'll write more about that shortly.
There are also so many things that we're already tied into e.g. mortgage, insurance, utilities & food. But I hope to think more about all of these during the year to see how we can look at those as well as all the added extras...which is where I'll start.
And finally, I'm hoping to blog about my journey here for a number of reasons:
- to be able to look back at my journey throughout the year
- to have a go at blogging which I've thought about for a while (and this gives me a specific subject)
- and to share my journey with others who might be interested.
So if you'd like to follow, feel free to read my posts, feel free to add comments and share ideas, and if you fancy being challenged I'd really recommend Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw's 'Jesus for President' which I'm currently reading and has led to me doing this and much more.
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