The build up to Christmas seems to have lasted a very long time this year, and it's been wonderful. 4 years old seems to be the perfect age for anticipation, excitement and a deeper level of understanding than at 3.
One of the things we did this year was a Christmas party for the kids
friends. We had nine kids between 4 & 0, and had lots of fun with
nativity stickers, decorating Christmas star biscuits, pin the tail on
the camel and a nativity story with decorated toilet rolls ;-) followed
by lunch.
We're off to the Cathedral shortly for their crib service, and then having friends round to watch Mary Poppins before bedtime.
We've also had lots of fun making things, from recycling an old desk, to
making reindeer hot chocolate with winter challenges attached, knitted
bracelets, glittery fudge, knitted mini stockings and beetroot chocolate

And we've even recycled the Christmas cake decorations from my childhood, on our homemade cake this year.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2013!
For those that made it to Cow Day 5 today, here are the answers to the quiz:
How many stomachs has a cow got?
How long does the average cow spend eating each day?
6 hours
Old cows in India sometimes have their own nursing homes.
How soon can a newborn calf walk on it's own?
1 hour
How many days does it take for milk to get from a cow to the shop?
2 days
A cow can produce 10,500 pints of milk a year. How many cows could the houses from here (44 Duncan Road) to Albert Road need?
2 cows (1 cow can supply about 22 families)
So what is Cow Day?
Five years ago a friend was trying to build a more wholesome less-consumerist component into the kids festive frenzy, and Cow Day was born. So for one day each December they have an open house and try and raise enough money to buy some animals for families in the two-thirds 'majority' world who need it. People bring cakes to sell in the cafe, Waitrose provides veg for a great soup lunch, people bring games, come in fancy dress, get involved in a promises raffle and much more.
Last year's 'Cow Day 4' involved 23 households/65 people and raised an impressive £375 that equated to 15 goats for families who needed them (all the cows
were sold out!), purchased from the Oxfam present catalogue.