Sunday, 16 September 2012

"How much?!? I could make that!"

I started a folder a few months back, which contains clippings from catalogues and magazines, of items that I believe I could make relatively easily, and that would cost a lot less (if you discount woman-hours of course). 

And at last I've gotten around to making my first item from the clippings.  Little Benjamin was born a few weeks ago, and I've seen so many taggies around, and my eldest always loved the labels on toys (such much so that bunny's has been sucked off entirely), that I decided to make him one.  (I found this site via Pinterest, which gave a brief tutorial on how to do it, which also gave me some extra courage )

We had a baby's sleeping bag with a lovely horse on it, and the zip was broken, so I started with that; asked round friends for odds and ends of ribbon, and between us we came up with enough bits to get cracking.

There was one false start, when I pinned the ribbons on the wrong way (wouldn't have been very exciting with them all inside and inaccessible), but once that was sorted the whole thing probably only took about an hour to make...not bad for a first attempt.  And so lovely to have Grandma's sewing machine out with a purpose again. 

So with one entirely recycled taggie delivered, I've now just got to find some ideas that I can do for a wedding present, a 40th birthday, not to mention Christmas!  All ideas gratefully recieved ;-)


  1. Tea cosies, cushion covers, aprons, tea towels, heart shape smelly things/decorations, bunting, hats ....

  2. Hooray! Looks like I can actually comment at last!!

    Mobile phone pouch - free pattern available from my friend's web site:
