Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Ideas on the rules of engagement

Check out this blog 
In reality I can't avoid spending any money in 2012, so I've been thinking of some principles to try and work to, and tried to prioritise them.

Double-check do I really need it, and if so can I reduce the amount that I need?
Borrow is it something that someone else has, that I could share/borrow etc?
Recycle is it possible to use something that I or someone else is getting rid of? (Freegle is great for this!)

My experience so far is that I'm more successful with the above if I endeavour to remove the impulse and immediacy of a purchase, and if I talk about it with others and give myself time to think up alternatives and spread the word about what I'm looking for.

When I have to purchase something, I'm going to try and use these as priorities (would be lovely to manage to achieve the top 4 in all purchases of course :-)
  1. Previously loved (charity shops, ebay, NCT sales etc)
  2. Fair Trade (in my world, humans come first)
  3. Organic
  4. Local
  5. Oh well....I tried and have to give in to what's available
Let's see how I get on...and it's a guide that I'll review as the year goes on.  Any thoughts/comments welcome...

1 comment:

  1. Mel Ray sent me the link to your blog - great stuff! Was thinking about the process of whether to buy something or not and how to avoid cluttering the world with new stuff and I came up with these steps:

    1) Can I be without it?
    If not...
    2) Can I repair/modify what I already have to meet my need if I do need it?
    If not...
    3) Can I borrow from a friend and return when done?
    If not...
    4) Can I get it from freecycle?
    If not...
    5) Can I get it from a charity shop?
    If not...
    6) Can I get it second hand? (from Ebay etc)
    If not...
    7) I give in and buy it new from a shop.
