Sunday 11 December 2011

Week -4 Update

With an early Christmas celebration with the Seek Clan outside Preston this weekend, the week has been predominantly focused on making Christmas presents. Again I've noticed how much extra time it takes to make stuff...although it's far more satisfying than typing in a pin number!

Christmas Gifts
I've made chutney from the apples we picked in a friend's orchard last month, put it in old jam jars that we've been collecting as they empty, and decorated the lids by cutting up a paper bag that we got in a shop recently.  (Yes....I did venture into a shop!!  Oops)

Then there was a massive batch of fudge, ginger crispy fingers (a recipe from my childhood) and chocolate tiffin with a sneaky difference (popping candy) for the kids.

All finished off with wrapping (clear plastic from a florist and ribbons that I take off gifts that we're given over the years.
The gifts have crossed the generations, and either everyone is just humouring me and being very polite, or they have gone down well.

Christmas Tour
We've also toured 14 relatives and 4 friends in a five day trip up North, so although it's been a lot of petrol, we've managed to make it an efficient (if not tiring) trip.  We've also managed to pick up lots of hand-me-down toys to pass onto some local charities when we get home for their party gift bags.

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