So back in January I started trying to pay a National Insurance contribution bill that HMRC had sent through, as I was short for a tax year.
In February the amount bounced back to me, as the account details they've given me were out of date, and the account had been closed. I ended up sending a cheque and thought that was the end of the matter.
Well it's now March and the story came back to life! I received 3 little brown envelopes on Saturday and by fluke I opened them in this order:
- Thank you for paying your missing NI contribution, you now have a complete tax year (08/09) for pension consideration
- It has come to our attention that you have overpaid your NI contributions for tax year (07/08), due to an error on your employers part. You are now due a refund, and you will receive a cheque within the next four weeks.
- The cheque!
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