So my evening out for International Women's Day was a lovely evening of talking with girl friends, and not being interupted by little people...a rare treat!

One of the topics, sums up my prefered method of parenting advice. I'm just not one of those people that is inclined to trawl through loads of parenting books, written by people who I don't know, some of whom don't have kids, and that always seem to be very long. Give me some hands-on parent experience any day! We had a great discussion about what words to use when kids start asking about their different body parts. This is coming up lots in our house at the moment, as my eldest (girl) realises the differences between her and her little brother. From the discussion I'm still not 100% sure on the way I want to go, although I've definitely eliminated some options and am not far off a decision.
Rob Bell in his book 'Love Wins' has a great quote about his and his wife's parenting ambition, along the lines of 'we want to bring our kids up with as little to unlearn in their futures as possible'. I definitely want the best for my two, and prayer and muddling along with other parents thoughts/opinions/ideas and mistakes has done me well so far. (Maybe I should write a book on group parenting ;-)
Garden Update
As to the garden, there has been great progress this week , thanks to a lovely warm weekend...hooray...spring! After weeks of deliberation we've decided to get a shed to store the bikes at the expense of some of our garden sun spot, but being able to use and maintain our bikes really is very important. (Amazingly the NI repayment has totally covered that...God's timing ;-)
The new blank canvas of our back yard |
I have some seeds you can pilfer Clare - come round sometime to see what you fancy Lucy x