Thursday 10 November 2011

Visit My New Highstreet

I'm discovering several different ways of getting hold of things for free or buying pre-loved items, and I thought I'd share some of them here so that others can check them out too. 

I'm also getting ideas from people that are reading this blog, and I thought I'd get a bit of a useful list of links going that you'll be able to view on a tab at the top of this blog shortly.  Feel free to contact me with any other useful suggestions.  I'm particularly interested in ones that link with the local community, but not exclusively.

Free Items
  • My main way to give things away, outside of my immediate friends and family is Freegle
  • And I've recently discovered StreetBank which is a similar concept (nicer interface, ability to lend, not just get, but not a great number of people on it yet...please join)
Pre-Loved Items to Buy
  • The good old classic eBay (I particularly like using the 'Collect Only' pre-loved items, especially for larger items)
  • NCT Sales are pretty good for children's clothes (although frustrating that you can't negotiate with anyone on the day)

Click here to get free Images

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